Well Irrigated Farms

The foundation’s first activity is to provide access to water and irrigation systems to farmers. The program is entitled: Well Irrigated Farms.

The purpose of this program is to preserve crops from drought. Most farmers in developing countries rely on rain to grow crops which diminishes their output. They are forced to do seasonal farming. With climate change, farmers are having difficulties planning their harvest. It also has an impact on their livelihood.

The fact that they are waiting for the raining season is creating more disruption in their harvesting cycles. Our program will provide wells and create an irrigation system using solar power.

We will be digging wells on farms and installing a solar pumping system to route the water to the crops. It will allow farmers to have access to water all year long. With a better control of the water supply, the farmer will have better fruits and vegetables consistently.

The activity will be conducted by three contractors who are specialists. They will work on the wells and the irrigation system. The process will be supervised by Darius Awalla, the president of the organization. The irrigation system will be installed by experienced professionals who can provide quality services because we want to ensure that the farmers can have equipment and materials that will last.

The activities will be conducted in those same areas which are developing countries such as Benin, Togo, Niger, and Burkina Faso. The activities will expand to the rest of the African continent as we are reaching more farmers. The foundation will allocate 30% of its total time. The activity will be funded by in kind donations as well as fundraising activities such as Go Fund Me campaigns. The expenses related to this activity are 30% of the overall budget. It requires investment in machineries and equipment. To provide water for farmer is essential to their success because it means that they can grow crops.

With this first activity, we are helping farmers in need accomplish their purpose by controlling their output. By the same token, the organization supports farmers at the source of the problem. In agriculture, water is indispensable so other farming activities can be conducted.

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