Our mission is to provide modern and efficient means that help farmers to develop and empower their farms.

Well Irrigated Farms

The foundation’s first activity is to provide access to water and irrigation systems to farmers. The program is entitled: Well Irrigated Farms.

The purpose of this program is to preserve crops from drought. Most farmers in developing countries rely on rain to grow crops which diminishes their output. They are forced to do seasonal farming. With climate change, farmers are having difficulties planning their harvest. It also has an impact on their livelihood.

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More Women More Farming

The second activity is to involve more women in the farming community. The program is called More Women More Farming.

Giving women equal access in farming will ensure that all hands are on deck on the pathway to achieving food and nutrition security globally. It is estimated that 40 – 50% of the world’s farming population is made up of women, playing active roles in different parts of the food value-chain from production to marketing. Succinctly, women play strategic roles in farming as they are often referred to as better managers and multi-taskers.

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Entrepreneurship and Farming

The third activity is to teach farmers about agribusiness. It is entitled: Entrepreneurship and Farming.

The purpose of this activity is to improve the entrepreneurial skills of farmers in developing countries such as Benin, Togo, Niger, and Burkina Faso through capacity building exercises on different aspects of the food value-chain from production to marketing and from business conception to maturity. Sustainability of agriculture lies on identifying farming as a business and a tool for economic growth and development rather than as an intervention tool for poverty alleviation in rural communities.

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